Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Moderation and Balance

Everything in moderation and in balance.  Sunshine is good for you, but it can also burn.(Yes I know sunscreen, but that's not the point). Sleep is rejuvenating, but too much sleep can throw off your internal schedule for sleep and wake, and other things, but that is a whole different blog topic. There are many things that we do in our daily routine that are good for us in moderation, but the excess of it can be poor for our health and sometimes pocket books.

This same principle applies to what we eat and how we get activity. Sugar filled snacks and deserts are okay when they are eaten occasionally instead of throughout the day or after every meal. They become a special food that is a privileged and something that is eaten on special occasions, cake and ice cream for birthday parties. It allows us to savor the food more, to enjoy the way it touches our palate and raise our senses.

Raw carrots are good for you, they are high in fiber and vitamin A, as well as others, but in excess they are poor because they are high in natural sugars.  So great to eat but in moderation and balance with other healthy foods, but not the best stand alone food for extended eating.

This blog will show how we as a family try and balance our dietary needs with moderation as well as burn off the calories with exercise and downright FUN!.

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