Monday, September 19, 2011


A friend and I were talking about a concern that she has in our schools systems with the use of antibacterial soaps and personal cleaning products. After we both shared our knowledge on the subject we were in agreement. Plain ole soap is better and safer. She is going to share her knowledge with the teacher and school, which is an EXCELLENT things to do.  This is just a quick little blurb on a very large subject, maybe it will spark some questions with you, or get you to think about the products you use a little more closely, or at least I hope that it does. Thank you friend for sharing your concern and suggestion that I post about this subject!

So what's the big deal right? Antibacterial soap will kill all the nasty germs better than regular soap won't it? Don't I want to kill every germ possible on my and my child's hands, dishes, and well everything?

No, no you don't, not like that at least. Antibacterial soap kills more germs, but it kills the good ones and the bad ones. It makes it easier for antibiotic and antibacterial resistant germs to multiple when all germs are destroyed on a surface. Children and adults need to have some exposure to germs in order to build an immunity to them. Now in no way am I saying to not wash your hands. Wash, wash and wash properly some more!! Just not with antibacterial soap. Talk to your doctor or pediatrician about their recommendation for the use or disuse of such products.

In addition the antibacterial ingredients that are truly the part that kills the germs are questionable when deciding whether or not they are safe. My opinion, if you can go natural, then do it!

Here are a few links of information on the use of antibacterial soaps and products.
Basic rundown of what we are talking about-

Sasatsu  M, Shimizu  K, Noguchi  N, Kong  M. Triclosan-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [letter]. Lancet. 1993;342:248. DOIExternal Web Site IconPubMed

More to come on this topic and hand sanitizers later.  Much more in depth and scientific look at this as soon as my put up season is over.

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